Sunday 8 November 2009

Soccer Star!

Jackson has been kicking a soccer ball in front of him since he could walk. He has always had a fascination with soccer balls and was crushed last year when he wasn't quite old enough to play indoor soccer. He is so much fun to watch. I am amazed at how he goes after the ball and really understands the game. He is one determined little guy.
His team is undefeated this season so far and he has personally scored at least 3 goals a game. I love this picture of him sliding into the ball to shoot it and you can see it going right past the goalie, it's the yellow blur.

He really is a little star and his big brother who claims he taught him everything he knows is quite proud! Speaking of Connor, he is also a star outscoring everyone on his team and even being allowed to play up into the older league and play against high school kids. He holds his own and scored two goals on Saturday.

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