Friday 20 November 2009

Barbie Bunco

Each year the OCSC here does a jewelry bunco event. Last year was the retro bunco night where I won with my pregnant hippie. So hoping to outdo myself from last year, I wanted to come up with something really fun when I found out this year's theme was Barbie bunco. My friend and neighbor Kathy Higgins and I decided to go as twin barbies when we found these barbie t-shirts at a local shop in Bury St. Edmunds and cheap, tacky, Barbie-esq jewelry to wear. The purple plastic flower rings were AWESOME! The best part though was the sparkly stretch pants we bought the morning of the event. They rocked! It should be illegial to have this much fun! Things I have learned from this event, I do not ROCK platnium blonde hair and fake eyelashes make me look like a drag queen! Just sayin'!
My ROCKING Barbie neigbors!

My friend Amy was Barbie in a box.

My friend Wendi Lawlor as bad attitude Barbie and Sarah Hall as Oscar/Red Carpet Barbie. And my friend Monica who didn't stay to play so we called her Party Pooper Barbie!

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