Sunday 8 November 2009

Remembrance Day

For the second year in a row, Jeff and I attended the Rememberance Day ceremony in Kings Lynn. As the wing commander cannot possibly attend all functions throughout the area, the squadron commanders are able to fill in for these unique opportunities. We both feel quite honored to be a part of the ceremony. This particular ceremony includes a morning reception in the beautiful town hall.

There is a really interesting painting of Pocahontas from when she was presented at court. She married a man from King's Lynn and the Disney version "quite got it wrong" according to my new friend at the town hall. I love when you stand in the hall and they tell you you are standing in "the new bit" and it was built mid 1800's. But it's new because the old "bit" is hundreds more years old. There are some panels of glass our friend called the gossip columns where folks etched into the old crystal glass messages.

After meeting up we process to the war memorial following these amazing swords and maces which are from Queen Anne's reign. There is a very moving wreath laying ceremony where about 50 poppy wreaths are laid around the war memorial. It is such a proud moment to watch my handsome husband during this ceremony. Of course you know I'm dying to take pictures of the entire thing but cannot! After processing back to the town hall for a quick hot mulled wine we process into the local church for a service. The service this year was good. We didn't like a couple of the hymns but the message was good. After the service we head back to the town hall for a reception with the mayor. Last year the high sherrif of Norwich wore this amazing plumed hat. This year's high sherrif was a man so no interesting hats to speak of! I really do have to learn the words to God Save the Queen if i'm going to continue to go to these things!

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