Sunday 29 November 2009

Cadbury World

Okay, it was the BEST TOUR EVER!!!! Just saying! When you get free candy bars and test samples and the entire place smells like chocolate you know it has to be the greatest! We decided to go with our friends the Higgins to Cadbury World to help celebrate Mike's birthday. So you get there and the entry area smells like chocolate. Then you enter the tour and no like, they hand you 10 items of Cadbury chocolate for a family of 5. They counted the baby! Then as you head through the factory it smells like chocolate. And they give you more candy along he way in case you ran out during the first part of the tour. At the end they let you in a tasting room and they pour hot tempered chocolate in a cup over your choice of ingredients and you eat it with a SPOON! It was the best day of my life I think!

So enjoy the goofy pictures of us eating our curly wurlies, which were 20 for 3 pounds sterling in the gift shop, my new favorite!
Jackson enjoyed the demonstration room where he got to pipe his name in chocolate. But his favorite hands down was the really fun playground outside.
I think Colton enjoyed it too!

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