Friday 6 November 2009

11 Months and Counting

At 11 months Colton is such a big boy! I can't believe it's less than 30 days now that he'll be one year old. We are having a blast with him. He is a complete and total monkey, into EVERYTHING he can get into. He walks very well now, and is almost at a run in many instances. He loves shoes and hats and plays peek-a-boo with us with any item of clothing he can find.

He waves bye bye, claps, rolls his tongue all the time and is like a sponge absorbing sounds and repeating them like a little myna bird. He adores food and likes anything and everything. I'm not too sure it all likes him as his belly sometimes seems unhappy. And he's a climber. He has figured out how to climb onto the couch and back off. And he's quite cheeky about it, very proud of himself when he gets up there. He is such a happy baby all the time, everyone loves him.

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