Sunday 29 November 2009

A Day at Lacock Abby

I have been wanting to visit Lacock Abby for quite some time. They used the cloisters area for a lot of filming in the Harry Potter movies. Plus, it sits in this quaint little village in the countryside near Bath. We had a great day out. The weather was cold but sunny and there were no crowds. In addition to the abby and the cloisters there was an old brewery.

The architecture is amazing and we had such a good time playing around the grounds. I enjoyed photographing every inch of the place.

The boys even went down by the river and threw rocks for a while. Colton was delighted at getting out of the stroller and playing with the big boys.

Of course, at the end of the day we had to play a bit of Harry Potter and take some shots of the rooms used as classrooms:

the corridors:

and of course the courtyard areas.

After leaving the Abby we wandered around the village.

I loved the doors and the little timbered houses. I do have to admit I caved; after seeing the quaint little tea room and then the pleading look in my children's eyes, we went to McDonalds! Great day for us all! We did drive through Bath before heading home. We planned to get out and sightsee for an hour or two but the traffic downtown was unbelievable and the parking garages were full. The shopping looked incredible, so Jeff and I have decided it would be a place we would like to come for a weekend with no children. So we hit a Toys'r'us on the way back to Fairford. I have to admit I bought more for myself than for anyone else! Fun baby things to be had and of course I had to pick up a few birthday presents for our little birthday boy this week!

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