Friday 6 November 2009

Halloween Happenings

This was a really fun halloween for us. First Jeff and I were invited to a great party at our friend's house. We went as Michael Phelps and his swim coach complete with a speedo! (Gotta give my husband props for bravery although the robe stayed closed the majority of the night! ) The next day we had our medical group party which was fun for the kids but took me out of the loop all day as I was in charge of the party. By the time I got home it was time to take the kidos trick or treating.

Our little penguin and skeleton had fun going around our neighborhood with daddy. They even visited the haunted garage and lived to tell the tale!

Connor opted to go trick or treating at the last moment with some friends from school. As he wasn't planning this he didn't have a costume picked out. So he grabbed the largest one we had, notice the shoe covers are half way up his shins! He had a blast and came home with an enormous bag of candy.

Meanwhile back at the ranch, I was sitting with the ladies in our neighborhood handing out candy, eating chili, drinking apple cider (and hard pear cider) in front of a fire pit. We fed the security forces guys patroling our neighborhood and solved world problems well into the night. Colton even got to try his very first lolipop. Let's just say he was a sticky mess, but he smile was HUGE! My favorite costume of the night was a young man who had issues with our local postal service. It was a fun evening for all of us!

1 comment:

  1. What a fun Halloween for y'all! GREAT COSTUMES! And y'all have a BOB stroller too...aren't they the greatest? Great seeing what y'all are up to!
