Saturday 16 May 2009

Stonehenge & Windsor

I have always wanted to visit Stonehenge. I thought it was just a really cool looking monument. I've heard mixed reviews about it as it really is just a pile of rocks. I always imagined it in the middle of a huge field, in the middle of nowhere. In fact, it is just off a busy motorway. It was a gorgeous drive through the country on tiny little roads in my huge expedition, but we made it there with the mirrors in place! It was a really windy day so we took our mobile electronic tour guides and walked around.

After spending an hour at Stonehenge we headed to Windsor Castle. We took a guided tour of the grounds up to the entrance of the state apartments. The tour guide explained all of the entrances and showed us the Queen's personal apartments. She showed us where heads of state arrive and where they stay. She explained that when the Queen's flag is flying she is in residence and when the British flag is flying she has departed. I thought the moat was interesting as it was a garden. I also loved the lampposts as they each contained a crown on top throughout the grounds. We had a good time touring the state apartments and found a really helpful security guard who made the tour exciting for Jackson. At five it is hard to look at castle after castle and not get bored. The guard made a game out of finding all the secret doors in the rooms which were servants entrances. Then he took Jack behind the ropes to see a painting of James I. He put him in several positions and had Jackson notice that the shoe of the King pointed at him at all angles. The state apartments are absolutely magnificient. I wish I could be invited for an audience with her majesty! We made a brief tour of the chapel on the grounds. There are 10 kings buried here including Henry VIII.

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