Monday 1 June 2009

A Night at the Races

One of the really cool things about living where we live in England is we are really close to Newmarket which is the racing capitol of England. The Rowley Mile Racecourse is about a 20 minute drive from home. The horses start a mile away and race down this straight away. It is really interesting to watch as they look like little ants barely moving until they get fairly close. It is really fun to watch them warming up before the races on the ground level. The horses are absolutely gorgeous. So the reason we went to the races is that we read Dead Heat by Dick Francis as our book club selection for the month of May. The events in the book take place all around the Newmarket area so we decided to be really posh and get a box to view the races from. It was quite an experience. I will say it is way more fun to watch when you've made a bet on a horse. As I am not a gambler I went with the minimum 2 pound bet. My amazing winnings coming in on one race at 3.80! We had a blast, and I can't wait to go again in June!

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