Tuesday 5 May 2009

It's Saturday, This Must Be Garmish

Ahhhhh, back to Bavaria, one of my all time favorites. After 8 visits I was concerned that we would have difficulty finding something new to do. As it turned out it wasn't a problem whatsoever. After a 0330 wake up call and taxi ride to the airport, thank the good Lord for taxi drivers, we made it to Garmish to find beautiful sunny skies and snow capped mountains. The temperature was a perfect 70 degrees. After stocking up for groceries Jeff and the boys hit the pool and mom snuck a nap with the little guy. This is what vacation is all about!

The next morning we woke to another gorgeous day and decided to go on a hike. The lady at the outdoor adventures suggested the hike to the Riesersee as there was a good place to eat and we could further hike to see the Olympic bobsled runs. The funny thing is every time we had been to Garmish we would wonder what this particular building was on the mountain. It turned out to be a gorgeous hotel with a wonderful restaurant. The walk up was beautiful. We stopped to take occasional breaks as toting the giant baby is quite a task when you're headed uphill! The boys each picked out an appropriate walking stick and picked flowers for mom the entire way. It's truly good to be Queen!

When we reached the Riesersee we were amazed at how gorgeous it was. We were able to sit right on the water and take advantage of the view. Lunch was yummy. I hadn't thought about the fact that spargel would be in season when we arrived so of course I had to have some sparglecremesuppe! YUMMY! Kase spatzle was also a favorite of ours so we enjoyed it as well. I'd forgotten how much I love German food!

After lunch we headed up the mountain to find the bobsled runs. They turned out to be pretty cool. We walked in them part of the way and on the trail next to them for the rest. The boys had a great time climbing trees and steep hills along the way. I don't even want to tell you how long it took me to stain treat their pants when we got back to the hotel. It was a really fun day for all of us.

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