Wednesday 13 May 2009


Aunt Wendy came to visit us, and so we decided to take a road trip west to see some of the sights on the west side of London. Our first day we spent in Stratford-Upon-Avon. It is as beautiful a little town as I remember it to be and the drive to the town was really gorgeous. We arrived around lunch time which for me meant some tea and scones. After lunch we toured Shakespeare's birthplace. They have made some changes since I've been here and one that I particularly enjoyed was having actors in the garden to perform some of Shakespeare's works. We sat for some time enjoying snippets of plays and one of the actors spoke directly to Connor and then was kind enough to explain the details of what he said.
We shopped on the way to the next house which was the Nash House/New Place which is where Shakespeare died.
They had beautiful knot gardens in the rear. It was a shame for apparently part of the actual house where Shakespeare lived was destroyed by a later owner so we were only able to see the foundations.
We continued on to see Shakespeare's daughters house and the garden was gorgeous. I got some really great pictures of the boys after touring the house. Colton even practiced his sitting up for the entire time. He's growing up too fast!
Finally we went to the church where he was buried with his wife. After such a full day we ate dinner at a local pub which has been around for hundreds of years and had clotted cream ice cream for dessert! It was a very fun day.

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