Friday 8 May 2009

Garmish Re-Visited

I wanted to post some additional pictures of our time in Garmish. We had two days of cooler rainy weather so we hung around the hotel and played in the pool. Jeff's conference ended earlier than expected so he was able to hang out with us on Friday. We decided to walk downtown after lunch. We decided to follow the river which we knew had to run through town but it doesn't follow the main road. It ended up being a gorgeous hike and a nice path. Who knew? The boys loved it as there were kayaks to watch. Jackson decided he wanted to learn to kayak now as a result of watching them. The boys also love any opportunity to get their toes wet and throw rocks in the water so they rolled up their pants and waded in.

Colton was fascinated by the water. We took a break as the kids were playing and he just stared and stared at the water.

There was plenty of gorgeous scenery for pictures and we took our time getting downtown. Jackson demonstrated his amazing climbing skills. The kid can shimmy up anything!

Once downtown my hubby bought me an early Christmas present from Kathe Wolfharts. Can't It poured down rain during dinner so Jeff sprung for a cab to get us back home. Saturday we headed to the cheese factory in Ettal which is a newer thing to go see. They've just opened the factory in the last year and a half. The cheese was wonderful and Jeff had a beer made at the monastery next door. The handgemacht kasekuchen was delicious as well. Colton was less than impressed with it all and slept through most of the adventure. We were all sad to be leaving the next day as we had a really fun trip. I was eager to get home to my bed.

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