Saturday 16 May 2009

He is Called Fido?

This morning Colton was practicing his roll to the belly. He's been rolling from his back to his belly for a couple of weeks now, and in fact, does this rather than rolling from belly to back. This morning he wouldn't stay on his back, and I found him heading to the chair on his belly. Connor and I were laughing so hard when he started licking and "chewing" on the leg of the chair like a teething puppy. So we quickly grabbed the camera. I can tell you he was quite pleased with himself. At 22 1/2 lbs it's a wonder the kid can maneuver his body anywhere!

1 comment:

  1. So, this makes me feel more normal... Last night at a mexican restaurant, I looked over at Cooper and he was CHOMPING on the table. Oh, I didn't even want to think about what was under there... Oh well! Lovin' your pics - can you believe how quick these kids are growing up??? MISS you all!
