Wednesday 6 May 2009

5 Months Already? It Isn't Possible

While in Garmish we celebrated Colton's 5 month milestone. Jackson sang happy birthday to him. So what is Master Colton like at 5 months?? He's a pure joy. He is a HUGE boy. Truly he is a sweet baby. I think Jackson and Connor are tired already of hearing what a better baby Colton is compared to either of them. He is so content to sit and play quietly. Having two other boys I know this is temporary, but I am sure enjoying it while I can! He has found his tongue and sticks it out constantly just because he can. He loves to sit up. He can sit up by himself a bit, but I think it's only because his bottom is so large it's like a weight to keep him up. I think he'll be a late crawler as he seems content to stay in one place. He loves to talk to us. He sure lets us know when he's ready for some attention. He talks up a storm babbling just like the other two boys. I swear he said mama the other day. I know he didn't but still, I just think he's brilliant and will swear he said it. He's really reaching for me in the last week. He turns almost all the way around in daddy's arms to find me. He is getting good aim as well with those reaching grabby hands. He adores Connor and will light up when he comes home from school. Jackson he likes but is a bit more reserved with. I think he still doesn't quite know what to make of such an active and LOUD 5 year old. We did start him on cereal and he LOVES it. I am amazed at how well he eats right out of the gate. He moves it right to the back and he is the least messy eater of the three. Unfortunately he sleeps much worse on days he gets cereal so we are starting and stopping trying to find a time of day that works so we can all get a good nights sleep. All in all we are really enjoying him.

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