Wednesday 14 January 2009


So okay, maybe I'm a braggy mom, but my child is BRILLIANT!! And so is his little new smile. He's been trying to smile for us, wide open mouth and finally on Saturday morning, he graced us with two attempts that were just gorgeous! He knows he's done so well, you can just tell. Colton has continued to grace us with at least a smile a day on command. Just makes my heart melt, and I have to continue to wonder where this angel came from. I look forward to more of these along with giggles soon.
So why do I call him giant? Well, I took Jackson to his 5 year well check up appointment and asked to stick the Colt man on the scale just to check how much he weights now as I've had to wash all his 3-6 month clothes up already and he's nicely filling them out. Well, the verdict, 14 lbs 8 oz at 6 weeks to the day. I looked, Connor was 13 lbs at 3 months. This is all new to us, having such an enormous baby. I gotta think it will slow soon.

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