Sunday 4 January 2009

Our Miracle

I can hardly believe Colton Lee is finally here. It seems impossible that it has been 9 months since the doctor told me over the phone that I was pregnant. After picking myself up off the floor, I think it has literally taken me the entire nine months to realize there would be another little White boy running around soon. By the end I was pretty miserable and HUGE! So I begged to be induced just four days from my due date. The doctor who agreed actually did not deliver Colt, but a friend, our group commander's wife, Liz did the honors. She came in to check on me early in the day and asked if she could be a part of our case. We jumped at the opportunity! This made the delivery even more special for me. By 9:20 p.m. after only 15 minutes of pushing and completely numb from the epidural (thank goodness) I gave birth to Colton. He was 9 lbs 7 oz which after having a 5 and 6 pounder was quite unexpected. Where did this ginormous baby come from? My mom arrived from the states that afternoon, and she was able to come up with two very anxious big brothers to see the new baby. The big brothers adore their new baby. We had lots and lots of visitors having delivered where daddy works. It was a good experience and I would have stayed longer if they would have let me, but after two days in the hospital we headed home. So I guess it's back to cooking and cleaning for me!

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