Sunday 4 January 2009

I'm 1 month old

I can hardly believe a month has passed already. January 2, and our baby is growing well. He was 10 lbs 2 oz at 2 weeks so we imagine he is close to 12 lbs by now. He's filling out all his 0-3 month clothes already. He's still not sleeping terribly well. We have him on a strict 3 hour schedule but he likes to continue to maintain that schedule at night. He's also been fussier in the last week and a half. We think he's having belly issues as he seems uncomfortable. But we love him all the same and he's trying to smile at us, I just know it. He ends up smiling at the pictures or lamps he's looking at so perhaps it's really just gas!


  1. Hip, Hip, Hooray for the White's new blog!!! I loved reading all of your posts, it was like sitting in your living room with our cups of coffee in hand - guess this is the next best thing right now! Looking forward to keeping up with you and the fam via the blog.

  2. Hey Heidi! Congratulations on your new little man!!! So glad you have a blog so I can see how you are doing girl! We miss y'all here in Germany but we too are leaving in less than a month but we are going to MS. Take care and hang in there with the sleep thing...he'll be sleeping 10 hours a night in no time!
