Sunday 4 January 2009

Happy Christmas!

Our first Christmas in England. Well, we had the 400 wakeup call from Colton and I guess the bigger boys thought that was an okay time to get up and take a peek for presents. After being told very strictly that we were NOT getting up yet, they managed to make it to 1100 before making mommy get out of bed after a very sleepless night with Colt. He was wearing his "all mummy wants for Christmas is a silent night" t-shirt but it unfortunately did not have it's desired effect. Guess I have to forgive him since he can't read!
So it was the Christmas of Wii! We got a Wii and about every game you can think of to go with it I think. I guess it is pretty obvious what we did all day! My sweet husband not wanting to have me in the kitchen all day with a baby to feed suggested we have our flank steak and potatoes meal so it was an easy cooking day. All I had to make was a traditional pecan pie. Having not had one at Thanksgiving I was eager for one too. Jim & Lisa came over again for dinner and the Wii games continued. I was excited to get a new lens for my camera and the tales of Beatle the Bard from my sweet Connor who hunted down this new JK Rowling book specially for me. I love that he's becoming such a thoughtful boy. I also like our new Christmas morning breakfast tradition of scones, jam and clotted cream and crumpets! Kind of like fish and chips on Thanksgiving!

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