Wednesday 14 January 2009

I'm 5 Years Old

I can hardly believe it's already been 5 years since Jackson was born. Seems like just yesterday he was Colton's size. He has been such a fun little boy, and I am really enjoying the big boy he is becoming...well, most of the time. He is developing a definite personality. He wants to do everything his big brother does and actually keeps up with Connor pretty well. For his birthday this year we decided to go bowling as a family with two other families the Lawlors and the Hayes and have pizza and chocolate cake. All I can say about the bowling is that we all bowl much better on the Wii! Jack shared his birthday with his school mates at school with a cup cake party. Mom even tried to make them look like soccer balls...I thought I did pretty well, he wasn't so impressed. Oh well. Given the sleep deprivation he should be glad I showered on his birthday! So what is Jackson like at 5? He loves to sing and dance and play on the Wii. He really enjoys any activity or sport that takes place outdoors and involves running. He has at least three scars on his face already from being such an active little daredevil. His favorite movies are the Batman movies. He still loves his chicken nuggets as a favorte food along with pizza with macaroni (pepperoni). School is not his favorite but he can already do some simple math in his head thanks to his big brother. He had his 5 year well check up and he weighed in at 46 lbs and 44 inches in height. He's real excited because this makes him tall enough to ride most big roller coasters. Hope he doesn't expect mommy to ride them with him!

1 comment:

  1. Happy 5th Birthday Jack! You are such a big boy! It looks like you had a fun day. We hope you'll be able to ride on a roller coaster real soon :)
    Chris, Heather, Katie and Cooper
