Sunday 4 January 2009

Party Boy!

Well, it's been a great few weeks so far with the little guy. He has been quite a trooper as we've dragged him to soccer games and Christmas parties all month. I'd forgotten how much they sleep in the beginning and how easy it is just to pop them in the car seat and go. Colt got all dressed up in his Santa suit for the group Christmas party. It was a loud party but he slept the entire time.
The boys have been having a ball with him although once he is a bit more active, I think they will enjoy him more. I keep answering loads of questions like when's he gonna smile, when's he gonna talk etc... Connor doesn't really remember Jackson as a baby as much as I thought he would and Jackson is all new to this. Both boys have been incredibly helpful either holding the little guy or running and getting something for mama that I might need. I love that the older boys love their little baby so much. Jackson has already asked for another.......

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