Tuesday 2 June 2009

Kings College Dinner

We had a wonderful and unique opportunity to attend a dinner at Kings College in Cambridge in the Salt Marsh room. We went with our medical auxillary group and had a really delicious dinner and good time with friends. The college is absolutely beautiful, and we really enjoyed strolling around the grounds at twilight. After dinner we went on a ghost walk tour of Cambridge with our guide Mavis. She was a spunky grandma! It was a very interesting tour, and we learned where many expressions we commonly use such as "skeletons in the closet". We learned quite a bit about Cambridge. The most interesting fact to me was that when a potential student applies to a particular college in the Cambridge system (there are 31 colleges), he can only apply to one college and may not ever apply to Oxford because an application was made at Cambridge. You basically have to lay all your eggs in one basket! The rivalry between Oxford and Cambridge reminds me of the t.u. /Texas A&M rivalry actually from the sound of it. Oxford is a bit larger with 36 colleges in their system. The other fact I found interesting is it costs approximately $5,000 a year to attend this very prestigious university which would be an equivalent to our Harvard. Good value for money that!

Our friends Jerry and Sarah Hall

Our friends Moe and Wendy Lawlor

Heidi and our friend Julie Hayes

Our friends Rachel and Pierre LaFabvre

Our friends Ralph and Teri Moseley.

The sign reads "Please do not lean cycles against this wall"

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