Sunday 28 June 2009

Back To The Races

Our friend Rachel was promoted to Colonel on Friday. As a part of the celebration we went to the Newmarket July Course Racetrack to watch the races and then enjoy a concert. They do this every Friday night in the summer. It was a blast! A lot different than the last experience I had up in the posh box, this time we had a picnic in the garden enclosure and brought all our own food and more importantly, wine.
They have a great children's area with park and Jackson met his friend Cormac McCain there. The two of them had a great time terrorizing the place.
Connor was taught to "bet" thanks to several special people and actually won more than his daddy.
Colton was taught about wine by Miss Reba. He thought the bottle and cork were spectacular to chew on!
After the races were complete Estelle was the headliner and it turned out I recognized some of her music.
All in all, it was a brilliant evening. Eating, laughing, dancing under the stars with a great group of people.
By the end of the night, our little guy told us it was time to go. Look at those tired baby eyes.

1 comment:

  1. How much fun this must have been! I love the photo of Connor dancing-that's so him. Do you pinch yourself with the wonderful things you get to do? Any news on coming to DC? I'd love to have you guys closer!
