Tuesday 2 June 2009

Colton at 6 Months Already??

I know that I'm a broken record but truly, I cannot BELIEVE it has been 6 months already since we welcomed Colton Lee. It seems like just yesterday I was huge pregnant! What a joy he is. I wish everyone could see him at this time because he is absolutely adorable right now. So at six months he is a funny little guy. He has so much personality. He adores his brothers who make him giggle quite often. He watches them so carefully. He is absolutely intent on anything in his hands. He gets a very concentrated look on his face when he's examining something new he has in his hands. He loves to be held and loved but is perfectly content to sit and play by himself for longer periods of time than I had ever imagined. He's rolling everywhere. If I go in the kitchen, next thing I know he's in the doorway. He can change direction and scooch on his belly as well. He is already pulling his knees up underneath him and starting to clear the floor under his belly.
He can go from sitting into the crawl position for a moment. He sits straight up quite well. I am actually really amazed at his balance. He's mastered his new sippie cup last week so no more bottles to fuss with.
And tonight on his half birthday he tried a vegetable for the first time. He seems to enjoy the sweet peas!
He loves his daddy but mommy is still his favorite. He'll sit with daddy for about 10 minutes and then he wants momma. At six months he's already visited 5 countries and will visit his 6th this weekend. So far he's been a great traveler as he is quite even tempered. He is quite a flirt, always smiling at people who stop to talk to him. He is a bit shy. He'll smile and then duck his head into me if I'm holding him. He's blowing bubbles and raspberries through his pursed lips.
He loves the sound he makes. He loves the Wii remote and wants to "help" whoever is playing.
We are guessing he is close to 23 lbs although his appointment isn't until next week when we return from Scotland. He is long as well, very proportioned. He is already pushing the limits on his 6-12 month clothes, and I imagine he'll be in 12-18 month clothes within a month. He has very fine baby blonde hair and his bald head feels like velvet. Truly he is an amazing blessing!

1 comment:

  1. Happy 6 months Colton! They are growing up so fast, aren't they? He looks a ton like Jack's baby pictures. It will be fun to see how his looks continue changing and developing.

    BTW, new rug in the third picture down? Don't remember it, pretty!
