Monday 6 July 2009

Independence Day

I love the 4th of July. I do find it incredibly ironic to be celebrating this occasion in the very country we gained our independence from. What's even funnier to me is that we open up the base and let all the Brits come celebrate with us...and they DO! We had a great day. Jeff played in the colonels/chiefs softball game and his team won. Then we spent a good amount of time working the MDSS booth. Connor is the grill master now! The kids, of course, took advantage of the carnival rides and ate plenty of ice cream throughout the afternoon. Connor challenged/convinced Reba Harris, Jeff's deputy to ride the chaos ride. She did and was all smiles afterwards! After all of that fun we headed to our friends house to camp out with five other families. The boys stayed in the tent while mom slept inside with the baby. Sleeping in someone else's bed was camping enough for me! It was a gorgeous night and we had a blast with 15 little boys and only 2 little girls running wild until late hopped up on s'mores! We're a boy heavy cluster of friends!

I would have liked to know what Colton thought of his very first 4th of July. He seemed to just take it all in stride as he always does. Such a happy little boy. He's seven months now and crawling, cruising along furniture, and putting absolutely EVERYTHING into his mouth. Notice the piece of grass sticking out of his mouth!

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