Sunday 29 March 2009

You Should See The Other Guy

Jackson's first black eye. Somehow I feel it won't be the last for him. He is my daredevil child. He is not afraid of anything. It's amazing that something as simple as a pillow is his undoing! He was walking across the living room floor, tripped on a pillow he'd put there and went head first into daddy's piano. I've never seen anything swell that quickly. Luckily our friend Jim was over for dinner and being medical was able to immediately evaluate him. It didn't look like more than a goose egg until the next morning. We've enjoyed a week of watching Jack's eye change color daily. Now a week later it's almost gone. but Jim told Jack to say the story is that the guy got in one good left hook, but you should see the other guy!

1 comment:

  1. HOLY COW, that is one heck of a "black" eye! When all your boys are out of the house, you could write a book of your adventures with 3 sons ;)
