Sunday 15 March 2009

First Grabs and Giggles

Colton, despite battling his first cold this past week, is a delightful baby. Even when he didn't feel good, he still tried to smile. He is starting to giggle already which is so fun for me. He only does it every so often, and I'm not sure he realizes what he is doing. So far he'll only do it for mommy. I'll keep that as my consolation when he says da da first! I'm going to try to get it on video and then try to figure how to upload clips. I just can't believe what a good baby he is. Maybe his is my reward for putting up with the first two? He is so content to just sit and interact with his caterpillar (thanks Craig and Laura) for quite some time. He is a very determined looking boy when he is playing. He also really enjoys his little cow toy. He's soaked it with tons of baby boy kisses so far. Enjoy these snippets of our little guy seeing his toys and just plain being so sweet and wonderful. He's the spitting image of Jackson at 6 months too! They could have been twins!

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