Sunday 29 March 2009

Easter Party

We just had our Med Group Easter Party. It turned out to be a gorgeous sunny day for an Easter egg hunt. Before the outside fun began we had a yummy pot luck lunch, the kids did crafts and the Easter bunny read a story to the kids. Jackson and his buddy Paul had more fun trying to dodge me taking pictures of them during the storytime. Jackson wouldn't take a picture with the Easter bunny because he said, "It's not the real bunny, it's Amanda!" He's too smart that one. Colton met the Easter bunny without any fuss. Then he met a new friend. He was fascinated with her and her sparkly flowery headband. He likes the girls just like all the other three White boys! What is really funny is the little girl is at least two months older than Colton, can't you tell by how much smaller she is??? That's our giant baby!

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