Monday 2 March 2009

Look Who's Three (months that is)

The last couple of weeks with Colton have been so much fun. He is really beginning to interact with us more and more on a daily basis. He started grabbing at everything about two weeks ago. This includes mommy's hair which is NOT my favorite thing. He is so funny because he'll grab a toy and then look really surprised that he got it. He is absolutely FASCINATED with the caterpillar that hangs over his car seat. He just stares at it and smiles at the face or smiles when the music starts. He is such a mommy's boy too these days. He just grins when I walk near him. And if someone else is holding him, he'll watch me and just stare at me until I take him again. The noises are already changing and he's beginning to try out different pitches. He'll be a vocal one just like his brothers. The one thing he isn't doing yet is rolling. We figure it might be six months before he does as it's going to require a massive effort to get his giant self over. We haven't weighed him yet but we are guessing he's about 18 lbs by now. What an absolute sweetie his is. He charms us all and crushes all the other babies! We call him our gentle giant.

1 comment:

  1. I love how happy Colton is! What a blessing to have a little one that laughs and smiles. I love it!
