Monday 9 March 2009

Still Fine at 39!

Whew, my last year of thirty-something. Can't believe I'll turn 40 in one year. Besides being a bit freaked out at my growing older and older by the day, I had a great birthday. The boys all treated mommy like a Queen for the day. No breakfast in bed, but Colton took a great morning nap so mommy had a bit of a lay in. Then the boys took me for a Starbucks mocha in Bury St. Edmunds and even let me do a bit of shopping...without too much complaining. They got new cleats and footballs so all was forgiven. Then they made a wonderful grilled filet mignon wrapped in bacon with baked potatoes for dinner. And a chocolate kahula vodka cake for dessert. Yummy! They were kind with only one candle. I suspect next year the cake will be aflame and we will have to have the extinguisher close by! I got lots of great things I picked out for myself which I love. And Jackson played me an original musical piece he created on the piano special for momma. Connor gave me $2 of his allowance to buy a mocha this week. Daddy filled my kitchen with the smell of fresh flowers with a huge birthday bouquet filled with my favorites. I'm so blessed to have 4 wonderful boys who make me feel special most every day.


  1. It sounds like you had the birthday you deserve! Happy, happy day to you!

    By the way, 40 isn't so bad...each year gets better and better! I'm 41 years young and love each day! The good ones and the bad. You look fantastic!

  2. Happy Belated Birthday to YOU, Happy Belated Birthday to YOU, Happy Belated Birthday dear HEIDI, Happy Belated Birthday to YOOOOOU! And Many MORE :)

    Hi Friend, I'm glad you had a nice birthday with your BOYS! I could just picture you all at that table - I've got so many memories with you all sharing meals there...

    We love you and think you are fabulous and we are glad that you will always be older than us ;) Enjoy your last year in your 30s... Hey, at least Jeff is older than you :)
