Wednesday 30 December 2009

Jeff is the big 4-0!

40! I remember when my parents turned 40 and I thought they were SOOOOO OLD! Now I'm married to a 40 year old man! YIKES! May I remind everyone that I married an OLDER man ,and I am a child of the 70's not the 60's! And granted, I know I'll pay for every thing I say and do, but WOW, has it been worth it! I tried to make the day special for my man. I planned and planned for 8 months the most fabulous birthday gift I could come up with. I hid money from my atm withdrawals and from our sterling account when I knew Jeff wouldn't look at the accounts too closely. He is a hard one to surprise as he watches where the money goes. So what did I get him for the big forty??? I bought him an antique pub table and had his squadron coin inlayed into the top of the table. I bought him two matching pub stools for Christmas, of course. Here are a few pictures:

In addition to the fabulous present, I threw him a party here at the house. It was a really fun afternoon. We put on the soup and the gluhwein at 2:00 and people came. We have great neighbors and friends here. They made the day really special. And let me just say they set us up to never need to purchase Jack Daniel's or Crown again! least for a few years! The kids all played the wii until it was cake time. I did put 40 candles total and it was quite a bright sight! Took my man 3 tries to blow out all the candles. I had the fire extinguisher close by....just in case! Colton was fascinated by the 40 black balloons all throughout the downstairs of the house. He loves balloons.

All in all it was a fun day and I hope something that my husband will remember for the next 40+ years if we're that lucky!
In addition to the party and the gift, I helped the folks at his work decorate his office. They made a huge banner sign and put it in a locked case. They hung 40 cups from the ceiling. I had my pharmacy connection do 15 prescription bottles of varying types which I hid all thoughout the office. To date he's only found 9. They contain m&m's so he'll find them eventually when he wants something sweet!
I also got him some depends and put them everywhere just in case. He'll be finding them for months! He received all kinds of cremes and denture products which we put all thoughout. He was a good sport especially with the walker put in his office. Colton thought that was the best part!

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