Wednesday 30 December 2009


The most anticipated morning of the year at our house is Christmas morning. This year was an early year. Jackson was awake at 3 wanting to go downstairs to see if Santa had come. A grumpy mommy sent him back to bed but he was back at it by 6. We had a wonderful Christmas morning. The boys were so excited and grateful to receive many gifts they wanted. Jackson got his ripstik and Connor got his IPod touch. Colton loved the paper and boxes and didn't seem to care what was in them at first. He continued to be more interested in the clementines than the gifts! We did find out throughout the day that he really likes his new toys! Clipo blocks are a huge hit with him! Who knew? Daddy loved his pub stools and Colton and daddy had fun using them.

After the paper clean up, we made the boys clean up. I have to say they clean up well! Our littliest monkey was quite cheeky in his new Christmas duds picked out for him by his daddy.

Our plan was to spend Christmas dinner with friends and neighbors the Latimers. Monica did the turkey and the stuffing and I did the pies and sides. It worked out well and we had a great time. We all feel abundantly blessed this Christmas and are so thankful for wonderful family and friends.

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