Sunday 27 December 2009

December Days

Happy Boy!

December has been a long, crazy month! We've been to 7 parties plus all the kids parties, school concerts etc... The blog hasn't been my top priority unfortunately. So now that Christmas has come and gone, I'd like to share a condensed version of our month. The boys had many different babysitters who haven't always been tough on the bedtime routine. Jackson always thinks he's old enough to do his own thing in the evenings...but then this happens!

Colton has become quite the regular little napper. Sometime he doesn't even make it up to his room but racks out where he pleases.

Wigs are our new favorite. At halloween we invested in two new fun wigs and have had loads of fun playing with them. Colton loves them and will come hand them to me. If I try to put them away he cries and then if I ask if he wants it on he says ya. We've even dragged our friends into our crazy wig days!

A man of few words, he effectively communicates his desires! He is a monkey and is always climbing. His new favorite is to climb into the chair in front of the laptop when we forget to push it completely into the table. He then "uses" the computer. He imported all of my pictures into Picasa for me and I have NO idea how he did it in the 5 seconds he banged on the keys.

We also have a strict "no touch" rule for the tree and have gone so far as to block the tree with huge rubbermaid bins which in our teeny tiny living room leaves us little space for much else. However, one day the bins were gone and Colton loved seeing the ornaments up close. He kind of stood in awe of them for a bit, wondering which to touch first! So far I've only had to repair 2 of them........Let's just say I think that they will come down earlier than usual at the White house this year!

Jackson's kindergarten class along with another one put on a Christmas concert for the parents. It was adorable! He was SOOO excited that both mommy and daddy were there to watch him. He was a very animated performer but then he's Jack!

SNOW! We had lots of snow! So much snow stuck that the last day of school before Christmas break was cancelled. The boys had a ball playing. They pulled out the snowboards and practiced and made snow angels all over the neighborhood. Colton in particular loved the snow. Even though it was cold, he escaped out the front door whenever possible to touch it. He didn't really seem to mind that it was cold. It hit me that this was his first snow so we let him run around one time and he cried when he had to go in. Unfortunately I didn't have snow things for him, I wasn't planning on him being so large so fast and they are all in storage.

Colton has also discovered the love of the remote!

And finally, this month saw laser tag day. We purchased a laser tag day at an auction and the boys went the day before daddy's birthday. They came home completely covered in mud and paint but excited about all the fun they had. My little warriors.

1 comment:

  1. I so wish that Luke could be close to your fabulous boys!! You always have a great time and I love your photos. We need a brother for Luke because he LOVES to wrestle and he's a little toughy!
    Happy, happy New Year!!
