Wednesday 2 December 2009

Happy First Birthday Colton Lee!

We debated back and forth about what kind of first birthday party to have for Colton. In the end, given the hectic life we are leading right now, we opted for a quiet family dinner at home with gifts and cake. It turned out to be a late but really fun night for all of us.

Colton has had a big day. He had his one year appointment this morning and weighed in at a whopping 27 lbs (90ish %), 32 1/2 inches (off the growth chart) and a 42cm head circum. (again, off the chart). So he is "quite a big boy" as the doctor said. But he's very proportional for his size. So perhaps we're growing a future linebacker for the Aggies and then Cowboys??? Nothing would make his daddy prouder!

Here are some fun shots from our day. As usual, he's been an extremely happy guy (mainly because I put off the shots for a day or two so he could enjoy his day), and we couldn't feel more blessed. He enjoyed his new toys and loved ripping open the wrapping paper. He got a really cute big boy fleece blanket with British soldiers on it, an adorable group of Chuck cars and trucks, and some fun new bath toys.

He really liked the cake. I've never seen anyone attack a piece of cake quite like he did. He grabbed the cake while blowing out his candle. It was a wise decision on my part to strip him down before the carnage began. Enjoy! It was fun to watch!

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