Tuesday 22 September 2009


Jackson's first day of kindergarten has now come and gone. We are actually into week three of kindergarten . It amazes me how fast these weeks have gone. Jackson was so excited the first day of school. Connor started school a week before he did, and I had to explain this to Jackson every single day for that week! Thank you DoDDS for that! We did get to meet his teacher and the teacher's aide in our home the week before school started. Jackson is in a class of about 18 children and his teacher's name is Ms. Hanson. She is an experienced teacher and has more energy than I do in her little toe I think. Jackson seems to really like her. The morning school started he woke up really early and bounced out of bed to put on the clothes he picked out the night before. Let me say that this is the only day he did this! He was bouncing around waiting for daddy to get home to make the walk to school. I am thrilled he was so excited about starting school and wishing that it would continue throughout the year. After we dropped him off at his class we went to the boo hoo breakfast. Alright, I admit it, I shed a tear or two.....I will miss having my Jack around all day.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my, it's hard to believe Jackson is in Kindergarden! He looks so old, especially in that last picture. Still loving the haircut on him :)
