Tuesday 6 October 2009

Boys Here There and Everywhere!

It seems like forever since I've had a chance to simply sit down and work on the blog. Since school started I feel like I've done nothing but shuttle boys here there and everywhere! Right before school started flag football season was upon us and that meant two sets of practices and games as both Connor and Jackson are playing. I felt stretched a bit thin when Jeff was out of town and I had to try to watch both games! Connor had transformed into a pre-teen. He loves middle school.

I look back at September now that it's October and wonder where it all went? What did I do the entire month. Then I look at my calendar and realize that outside of running the boys I do alot of additional things with the squadron, the medical group and the officer spouses group to mention a few. I know that given this level of activity it will be Christmas before I know it! So what did we do in September? Alot of football was played.
I volunteered for a ton of stuff. I took a photography class with a friend's husband who is a professional and photographed Ely Cathedral. Now I have to learn photoshop to make the photos better.
We spent two days in London and we watched Colton progress from perfecting first baby steps to walking around the house chasing his brothers. He is such a curious boy. He concentrates so hard on everything and anything that is new to him. And then there was the Air Force Ball. We had a great time and I even got a photo of myself all dressed up holding this huge machine gun. Gotta remember to get a copy of that one!
And as always, the sound of freedom continues to sound quite loudly over my house. Colton now looks for the loud noise rather than just crying when he hears it! So I guess that's progress!


  1. I can't believe that Colton is walking! Wow! And Jackson is playing flag football AND Connor looks like such a PRETEEN! A busy but good month it sounds like :) I miss those Spouse meetings, balls and med group events being on an Army post right now...
    Miss ya.

  2. Connor still looks like he did in 2nd grade - just bigger. He has such a great personality. I will always remember his singing and dancing. Not a shy bone in his body.
    I wish we were closer so Luke could be a part of the boy group!
