Saturday 5 September 2009

The ON!

For five weeks Connor has been attending a Club Beyond (Christian Fellowship Group) program called The Race. Now when he brought the medical release form to be at the beginning I thought it was just a precaution. I watched from a distance once or twice during the weeks as they played all kinds of knock down, drag out games like rubber tire tug of war and gladiator ball. But it wasn't until the first day of school when the last Race of the program would determine the ultimate winner, red or blue. Well as you've probably guessed from the all blue Connor, he was on the blue team. The conversation which particularly tickles me is when Connor tells me he's going, he's been eager to start this Club Beyond for a year now but had to wait. He tells me they are having this program and these two other kids he doesn't really like are on the red team and he wants to be picked on the blue team because he wants to "crush them". So I'm thinking Wow, what magnificent Christian principles they are teaching my child. I voice this to Connor and his reply..."It's okay mom, really, we pray before the crushing begins!" So there you have it!
We took Colton and wore our blue to support the team. Colton even met a girl at the event. He shared his puffy snacks with her.

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