Thursday 30 July 2009

New "do"

My sweet precious Jackson. Whatever would I do without this wild child in my life. Apparently Jackson decided, while I was having coffee with a friend, that his hair was in his eyes and needed to be cut. So being the good boy that he is he found his brand new safety scissors for kindergarten and went about cutting his hair. After a quick cut he decided to have some nutella on a spoon as a snack to celebrate his accomplishment. Let's just say, I wasn't too "thrilled" with his new cut when I returned home to the massacre. I'm still finding his hair in the oddest of places throughout the house. So I can't decide if he was cutting while walking.....maybe that explains all the different levels. So after a trip the BX to have the lady at the salon suggest that it just be all shaved off to about 1/4 of an inch all over his head I decided to go home and fix it myself. I of course self medicated with a lovely bottle, I mean glass, of Peter Lehman Shiraz first and then set to cutting his hair. I decided to camouflage the damage by leaving the hair longer in places and trying to spike it over the really short bits on tip just leaving it messy until it has a chance to grow back out. It looks like he'll be getting a trim every week or so until it's even again. His favorite part of the haircut was when I pulled the vacuum out to clean the mess in the kitchen.

Here is the final result.
Let's just say that Jackson is THRILLED with his new haircut and thinks he looks the coolest! He thinks he'll be the coolest kid in kindergarten. His new axe hair glue for spiking was the crowning cherry on the sundae of happiness for Jack! I pray for strength and patience every day folks and now you know why!

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