Thursday 6 August 2009

Slow Down, You're Growing Too Fast!

8 months. I can't believe Colton is 8 months already! And yet when I look at him he is large enough to be well over a year. And he's so mobile most people are surprised he isn't a year old. Colton is a character. He has this infectious grin. He LOVES to flirt. He'll reel you in with just a little hint of a smile then he'll turn his head very coyly and then turn back and bat those blue eyes and give you a big grin. Hysterical! So this little guy at 8 months is just incredible. He's so close to walking at any moment I am afraid to blink when I watch him. He crawls on his hands and feet now and can get across a space in an incredibly short amount of time! He'll stand in the middle of any space and push himself up into standing. I tried to show this feat with the string of pictures in the beginning! It is too funny, looks like he's surfing. He'd rather stand than sit and is so busy I am afraid for him to begin walking because he is going to be one busy little boy. He has said mama, dada and baba especially to Connor. Colton ADORES Connor. He likes Jackson, smiles at him but won't reach for him like he will for the rest of us. Although he is a mama's boy, he loves his daddy and gets so excited when Jeff walks in the door he just bounces. He is amazed at the new sounds that come out of his little mouth and giggles when he tries something new. He loves peek-a-boo and his favorite food is the apple cherry mixed fruit. I think the boy would sit in his highchair with his favorite star puffs for hours if I'd let him. The downside of his mobility is that he is into everything and I have to watch him like a hawk! So he does spend alot of time in the high chair with his stars come to think of it! Colton has
1 tooth already and a second well on its way. This doesn't thrill me as the other boys waited until 10 months to get their first. I don't know if it's because he's the third and feels like he has to catch up but everything seems to be earlier. I think it's because he watches and is quieter and more thoughtful personality wise than the other two. He will sit with his daddy in the recliner and strain around daddy's shoulder to look outside and watch the kids playing in the backyard. He's just aching to be out there playing with them!

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