Sunday 12 April 2009

Spring Break - Day 1

FINALLY, a vacation! Well deserved and well needed if you ask me. Jeff has been working tremendously long hours and we haven't been able to do lots of traveling with the pregnancy and new little baby. So this was our first large adventure travelling with 5 people. Let's just say that preparing for all 5 of us provided a lot more effort than just traveling with the 4 of us. Plus we were flying and that provides it's own set of challenges with weight allowances. Our plane left at 7 am so we decided to drive to Gatwick the night before and shuttle in. It was still a 0330 wake up call to catch the shuttle and check in 2 1/2 hours early. Colton slept through the entire process in his car seat and woke up in time to eat as we were taking off. We arrived to see the SUN!!! A beautiful glowing orb that we'd heard tell of up in these parts! We headed to our villa which was 3 times the size of the house we're living in with a heated pool in the backyard. I think Jackson stripped down to nothing and jumped in within five minutes of arrival! We then headed to the beach and spent the afternoon there. We stayed within a 1/4 of a mile from a pretty nice beach so it was an easy walk. I absolutely love the Med. The big boys were immediately in the water and sand. Colton dipped his toes into the water and didn't really like it. He was really intrigued by the water though and wanted to watch the waves come in and out. He just didn't like the temperature I think. (Mom: notice he's wearing a hat, and yes, we applied sunscreen too!) After cleaning up we ventured forth to the supermercado which I always love. It's too much fun to see all the fun products they have in different countries. And then we had a nice relaxing dinner as Colton slept through the entire meal. It was a great start to the vacation! It's Friday, this must be Spain!

1 comment:

  1. What fun and I am soooo jealous! I love Spain and all of the yummy food there. We spent the week hanging out at home and figuring out this brother and sister thing. I think that the beach would have solved all of our troubles. Thanks for sharing!
