Sunday 12 April 2009

Day 2 - Saturday in Granada

Colton in his baby bijorn. He was such a trooper all throughout the day....until he got hungry and then this....

The only truly planned thing about our holiday was a visit to the Alhambra in Granada. I learned about it in school many years ago and always wanted to visit. It was a beautiful drive just over an hour long. The Alhambra is a huge complex of park and palaces circa 14th century. There are many different sections to visit, and the architecture is amazing. Moorish and Spanish mixed together. We spent a beautiful afternoon walking the grounds and snapping photos. We even did some shopping. Each of the boys got a new slingshot from one of the shops. The views of Granada and the mountains were pretty amazing. The Sierra Nevada mountain was covered with snow.

The boys posed for these photos with the palaces in the background. Handsome fellows! The other sight I really wanted to see was the cathedral where Isabel and Ferdinand are buried. We tried to go in but they were in the middle of mass. We made a hasty exit.

We had a wonderful dinner on one of the plaza's near the cathedral. Jeff had this magnificient piece of fish fully encased and cooked in salt. It had to be cracked open. The boys thought this was pretty interesting. We really enjoyed this city and the surrounding area. Wish we had more time to explore the area a bit more.

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