Sunday 12 April 2009

Big 4 Month Old

It is hard for me to believe that it has already been four months since our little baby was born. At the same time, he's so giant that it's hard for me to believe that he's ONLY four months old. We can't take him anywhere without folks commenting on how large his is. We just say he's supersized, kind of like daddy's favorite restaurant McDonalds. So what is Colton like at 4 months? He's rolling but inconsistently. He is incredibly interested in EVERYTHING he sees. He loves going to his brother's soccer games. He smiles for just everyone, he's always a happy baby. And he's really working to sit up. He doesn't want to lie back anymore. He works so hard to sit straight up out of his bouncy seat. He has the funniest expressions. He's always perplexed looking if he isn't smiling. His laugh is hysterical and he loves playing peek-a-boo. He'll jump when you say boo and then laugh. We think at his four month appointment he'll be over 20 lbs as he's fitting into his 12 months clothes very nicely at this point. I'm so lucky I've got some great friends who have quickly provided some hand me downs so the clothing bill isn't so high!

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