Thursday 8 April 2010

Connor's Rockin' Skating Slumber Party

My 12 year old son is so incredibly lucky to have me as a mother! I throw the COOLEST parties ever! No seriously, it was a ton of fun for the adults and the kids. The adults played cards throughout the night.

Connor wanted to invite friends, girls and boys to a skating party with a follow on slumber party for boys only! So I rented a TLF suite and put Jeff and 4 12 year olds in a room for the rest of the night. Hey, no one ever said I was a dummy! I loaded the room up with enough snacks, chocolate and breakfast items to feed 20 12 year olds and let them loose. But before that, they skated. They had such a great time. Connor has a fun group of friends, a lot of girls in that group I found out. They ate their way through the pizza in no time and had a ball skating all night. They were super sweet to Jackson as well so he had a great time.

We even put baby skates on Colton and by the end of the night he was practically skating on his own.

Impressive. He got really tired at bedtime so we put him in the stroller and the kids took turns pushing him in his stroller around the rink. They do this as a mommy/tot exercise class believe it or not. After being around that many middle school kidos, I can honestly say, I don't miss the DRAMA! So here are some additional images from the party. There were a million and one cute ones, too many to include. Oh, and yes, I forgot the candles for the cake. There had to be one thing not perfect! No biggie, Connor thought it was cool to blow out a lighter! He's a good egg that Connor.

1 comment:

  1. Rollerskating and 12 year olds, it just goes together... Sounds like a FUN party for all and Connor looks like he was having the time of his life. I can't believe Colton was even skating, roller derby in his future??? sending our love and tell Connor HAPPY BIRTHDAY from the Estridges!
