Sunday 18 April 2010

The AMAZING Race - London

I am a HUGE fan of the television program the Amazing Race. People race all over the world, and Jeff and I constantly think that we could win it! So when our tour's chair in the OCSC decided to put together an Amazing Race in London, I was IN! In it to WIN it was my motto and I actually won the most dedicated player award. My team came in 1st place in all legs of the race but one. Here are some of the pictures of us being CRAZY around London. It was such a GREAT time. My team mates were Kathy Higgins and Mandy Ross.
Task #1. We had to meet at the BX, race to get a snack, take a picture with the wing commander's wife after making and raising our team flag and race to London by plane, train, or auto. We choose the tube.

Task #2: After meeting at the marble arch and doing some pictures and fun stuff, we had to race to Abby road and re-create the Beatles Abby Road album cover. We used our scarves as tube tops. After taking the picture we were to race to Portobello Road. Again, we came in 1st!

Task #3: We went to the Wellington Arch and had to take a creative picture after visiting the top and enjoying the views. Mandy's husband is security forces so her as the bobby made sense!

Task #4: Race to Buckingham Palace gift shop and make a purchase, make a palace guard laugh and head to Liberty to take a picture of ourselves with fabric. Again, we were first on the mat!

Task #5: The next morning we met again at the Marble Arch and had to head to an art museum for a picture of Henry VIII. We took a cab and on the way Mandy pulled her wallet out of her purse and dropped it. We didn't notice this until we went to purchase postcards at the museum. We stopped racing and spent about 30 minutes trying to call home to get credit cards cancelled. When we got to our next stop, speakers corner, our cab driver was there waiting for us with Mandy's wallet. He remembered where we said we were headed next and waited for us.

So the next task of that run was who has the gift of gab and my teammates voted me so I had to speak for 5 minutes on a Sunday morning in Hyde Park on speaker's corner on the topic of why OCSC tours is the best position on the OCSC board. After finishing up, we had to find the statue of peter pan, take a fun picture and race to Harrods.

After shopping we headed to Fortnum and Mason, the Queen's grocery store and we had tea after a bit more shopping. From there it was race home and check in at the wing commander's house. Again, we were there first! We put all our props on Virginia for this last picture.

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