Thursday 30 July 2009

New "do"

My sweet precious Jackson. Whatever would I do without this wild child in my life. Apparently Jackson decided, while I was having coffee with a friend, that his hair was in his eyes and needed to be cut. So being the good boy that he is he found his brand new safety scissors for kindergarten and went about cutting his hair. After a quick cut he decided to have some nutella on a spoon as a snack to celebrate his accomplishment. Let's just say, I wasn't too "thrilled" with his new cut when I returned home to the massacre. I'm still finding his hair in the oddest of places throughout the house. So I can't decide if he was cutting while walking.....maybe that explains all the different levels. So after a trip the BX to have the lady at the salon suggest that it just be all shaved off to about 1/4 of an inch all over his head I decided to go home and fix it myself. I of course self medicated with a lovely bottle, I mean glass, of Peter Lehman Shiraz first and then set to cutting his hair. I decided to camouflage the damage by leaving the hair longer in places and trying to spike it over the really short bits on tip just leaving it messy until it has a chance to grow back out. It looks like he'll be getting a trim every week or so until it's even again. His favorite part of the haircut was when I pulled the vacuum out to clean the mess in the kitchen.

Here is the final result.
Let's just say that Jackson is THRILLED with his new haircut and thinks he looks the coolest! He thinks he'll be the coolest kid in kindergarten. His new axe hair glue for spiking was the crowning cherry on the sundae of happiness for Jack! I pray for strength and patience every day folks and now you know why!

Friday 10 July 2009

Day in London

When Connor and I went to London to the Harry Potter World Premier we had the opportunity to spend the day in London before our event. After a quick lunch in Chinatown, which was yummy by the way, we headed to the Sherlock Holmes museum. We were going to do the wax museum but found a queue of an hour and a half down the block. We had a great time in the museum goofing off as you can see from these pictures.

After the museum we headed back to Leicester square and found more barricades going up. As we were walking the barricades my friend Teri sauntered up to a lady and said, "Do you want my autograph?" The lady was very excited. So she dared me to do the same. The gals I asked were real sweet. I told them we were goofing off and they played along. The red carpet went to our heads I think! What really cracks me up is look how excited the people look to be getting our autograph!

Harry Potter World Premier - London

I have to admit it; I am a HUGE Harry Potter fan. I think the books are brilliantly written. J.K. Rowling has an amazing imagination and these books have provided alot of fun conversation in our household over the years as Connor has grown as fond of them as I am. When we moved to Germany Connor and I traveled to London the weekend the 4th movie was released to theatres worldwide. We saw it in the Odeon theater in Leister Square and thought it was so cool. Well, we found out the world premier of the 6th movie was going to be on July 7 in London in Leister Square in the Odeon Theater. There was a lot of research into this event and as tickets to attend the premier showing ran between 3-6 thousand poundes each we thought we wouldn't be able to do more than just hope for a view near the barricade if we went down on our own. As it turned out another opportunity presented itself. A small group of us from RAF Lakenheath bought a table at a VIP charity event which provided us with a private balcony viewing of all the red carpet activities. After we watched the red carpet arrivals we enjoyed our party before heading to the Vue cinema to see the movie one week before it would be released to audiences worldwide. The night was UNBELIEVABLE! I took Connor as an early Christmas present. It was Christmas in July and we had a BALL! We saw ALL the stars. We survived the worst downpour on record since 1865. (Apparently the rain ruined the Queen's garden party over at the palace as well.) The movie was really good, and I can't wait to see it again! So here are some pictures from the event. Connor and I are still pinching ourselves we had such a great time together.

Monday 6 July 2009

Independence Day

I love the 4th of July. I do find it incredibly ironic to be celebrating this occasion in the very country we gained our independence from. What's even funnier to me is that we open up the base and let all the Brits come celebrate with us...and they DO! We had a great day. Jeff played in the colonels/chiefs softball game and his team won. Then we spent a good amount of time working the MDSS booth. Connor is the grill master now! The kids, of course, took advantage of the carnival rides and ate plenty of ice cream throughout the afternoon. Connor challenged/convinced Reba Harris, Jeff's deputy to ride the chaos ride. She did and was all smiles afterwards! After all of that fun we headed to our friends house to camp out with five other families. The boys stayed in the tent while mom slept inside with the baby. Sleeping in someone else's bed was camping enough for me! It was a gorgeous night and we had a blast with 15 little boys and only 2 little girls running wild until late hopped up on s'mores! We're a boy heavy cluster of friends!

I would have liked to know what Colton thought of his very first 4th of July. He seemed to just take it all in stride as he always does. Such a happy little boy. He's seven months now and crawling, cruising along furniture, and putting absolutely EVERYTHING into his mouth. Notice the piece of grass sticking out of his mouth!