Tuesday 2 March 2010

Jackson's 6th Birthday

Jackson celebrated his 6th birthday this year. It was a different kind of birthday for him, daddy was TDY! You would have thought the world was going to come to an end when he realized daddy wasn't going to be home on his birthday. As he can't read yet, I honestly considered switching up the calendar somehow but figured the calendar time at school would be a dead giveaway! So, to try to make the day a bit more special we had a special early morning birthday party, complete with candles in his cinnabon! He got to open all his presents as soon as he woke up rather than having to wait all day long until daddy got home.

At school he was the line leader and got to make a special crown to wear. He was so sweet when he showed me the stick bugs in his classroom. He is really proud that he is one of the only ones in his class gentle enough to touch them whenever he wants to.

His teacher has singing guinea pig dolls and he chose the cowboy one. It sings happy birthday in a twangy sort of way. Really funny and the kids really enjoyed it.
We had cupcakes with all his friends in the class before heading home.
We had his favorite meal of spaghetti pie for dinner, and he requested a chocolate kahlua vodka cake for dessert. So it was a good sugary birthday after all. And daddy arrived home from his trip to Montenegro with additional presents in his bag. What a spoiled little 6 year old he is! Still can't resist his sweet little smile.

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