Thursday 4 March 2010

Catching Up!

Whew, it's been a busy couple of months here at the White house. When I look back at the pictures they are just snapshots of the kids doing things around the house or perhaps a shot of something I took thinking I'd post it on facebook or put it into the blog but just never got around to it. Being on the computer over the past few months for any longer than 5 minutes at a time during the day has been impossible. Colton is a GOOD climber. You can't leave a chair even slightly away from the table or he's up on the laptop banging away on the keys. I really have to watch him like a hawk. This is where having an incredibly small house helps! Colton has also become rather independent when it comes to eating. He wants to do it himself. Reminds me of Connor and the mess he makes is hysterical. You tell him he has something on his face and he thinks you're playing peek-a-boo!

Regardless, I thought I'd share at least some pictures of the kids through the rest of January. Colton continues to entertain us with everything he does from playing the piano to tyring to be just like his big brothers playing games.

Somehow, I don't believe him at the moment!

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