Sunday 16 August 2009

Horse Trekking in Wales

It always amazes me that every new place I visit quickly becomes my new favorite. People that just have moved here ask me where to go and what to see all the time. I never know what to tell them! Well, this past weekend was Wales with the girls. It was FABULOUS! The OCSC put on this little shin dig and 8 women went. We loaded up in a van with our trusty driver/guide Dave and headed out to northern Wales. We had magnificient weather which was apparently unheard of for 3 consecutive days. I was nervous about going on this trip and leaving Colton at home with daddy. Not so much for Colton as I knew he would survive it, but for Jeff's sanity. It was well worth it to have the break from life to relax and share some fun evenings with friends. You know it is a good weekend when you have to restock the wine supply half way through the trip!

So we arrived in Betsw-y-coed on Friday evening and enjoyed a stroll through town and dinner at a pub.

After dinner we headed to our cottage in the mountains. Our cottage was actually a royal navy bunkhouse and it was camping by my standards. If you need sleeping bags it is camping! Plus, we had to share a bathroom, again, camping in my book! All eight of us were able to get into one bunkroom. This was good as apparently our cottage was haunted by pegleg!

The next morning after a full English breakfast at a little local place we headed back into Betsw-y-coed for a bit of retail therapy. Had a blast at all the cute shops and, of course, Kathy Higgins and I had to stop for tea and scones. Found some great tins with Welsh writing on the side. Added a couple to my collection of things I don't need but unique things I love!

Then it was onto our first two hours of horseback riding. The ride was beautiful and my horse Remy gave me a great ride! He was a big boy at 16 1/2 hands. We rode along the tops of some ridges with great views. By about half way through the ride I was ready to be done quite honestly. I forgot how painful riding can quickly become.

A group of exhausted gals showed up at the tin-y-coed for dinner. This is one of the most famous pubs in the region and I was introduced to my first pint of pear cider, my new favorite. We had a delicious dinner, best lamb I've ever had. Then back to the cottage for another fun filled evening of girl talk.

The next morning we again enjoyed french pressed coffee in our camping kitchen and then onto a full English again. Our ride today was a bit different, more on the sides of the mountains, moss covered trails, lots of little waterfalls embedded in the rock. I didn't take my camera as it seemed like it might rain on us. It ended up misting slightly for about five minutes so wishing I had taken my camera after all. I got Remy again to ride. We were able to actually do a bit of faster riding which I enjoyed. Then it was back on the bus to find a pub for lunch and a quick stop at Starbucks! Got the Wales mug! I was happy to get home to my bed and motrin! And there were three boys delighted to see their mom when I got home. I was equally as delighted despite the fun time.

Thursday 6 August 2009

Lovin' My Man

I just had to include these pictures of Jeff. He was cracking me up. Seems like once or twice a month I get the phone call, "Hey Heid, gotta go to (fill in the blank tonight), just found out" and he comes home and gets all dressed up and goes without me. Not that I mind as the club food isn't all that great and usually is pretty expensive. But I don't get to enjoy the evening with him and his dashing self. So I took these pictures one night when he was being silly. I married myself a good looking man!

Taste of Britain

I am LOVING the British grocery stores for baby food. They have such interesting foods in flavors I've never seen in the American stores. I found a fish and mash flavor the other day... I'm not willing to try that one. But I did pick up a few different kinds of foods to try. Next on my list is to get the lamb and plum and the mango fruit puree. The other fun food I found but didn't take a picture of is baby sized pasta shells and flowers. Had to get them. Perfect for developing the little pincer grasp. From the size of Colton you can probably guess he's pretty much mastered this and every other technique to get food into his mouth! And he did LOVE the cottage pie flavor and the Grandpa's Sunday Lunch.

Little Maestro

Little Colton LOVES his daddy's piano. He's fascinated with it. Funny story...Jeff is VERY particular about who touches his piano and how they touch his piano. So we were sitting at dinner with some friends, and we start hearing this piano "playing". Jeff roars, "Who's playing my piano?!", fully expecting Jack, Connor or one of the friends to say me. Instead our friend says, "The baby" to which Jeff simply and quietly said, "oh." Guess you had to be there. Regardless I catch this sneaky little guy all the time over by daddy's piano tinkling the keys. I'll say Colton, no touching and he turns and gives me a grin and plays anyway. He's definitly a White boy! He plays on even though he knows hes busted!

Slow Down, You're Growing Too Fast!

8 months. I can't believe Colton is 8 months already! And yet when I look at him he is large enough to be well over a year. And he's so mobile most people are surprised he isn't a year old. Colton is a character. He has this infectious grin. He LOVES to flirt. He'll reel you in with just a little hint of a smile then he'll turn his head very coyly and then turn back and bat those blue eyes and give you a big grin. Hysterical! So this little guy at 8 months is just incredible. He's so close to walking at any moment I am afraid to blink when I watch him. He crawls on his hands and feet now and can get across a space in an incredibly short amount of time! He'll stand in the middle of any space and push himself up into standing. I tried to show this feat with the string of pictures in the beginning! It is too funny, looks like he's surfing. He'd rather stand than sit and is so busy I am afraid for him to begin walking because he is going to be one busy little boy. He has said mama, dada and baba especially to Connor. Colton ADORES Connor. He likes Jackson, smiles at him but won't reach for him like he will for the rest of us. Although he is a mama's boy, he loves his daddy and gets so excited when Jeff walks in the door he just bounces. He is amazed at the new sounds that come out of his little mouth and giggles when he tries something new. He loves peek-a-boo and his favorite food is the apple cherry mixed fruit. I think the boy would sit in his highchair with his favorite star puffs for hours if I'd let him. The downside of his mobility is that he is into everything and I have to watch him like a hawk! So he does spend alot of time in the high chair with his stars come to think of it! Colton has
1 tooth already and a second well on its way. This doesn't thrill me as the other boys waited until 10 months to get their first. I don't know if it's because he's the third and feels like he has to catch up but everything seems to be earlier. I think it's because he watches and is quieter and more thoughtful personality wise than the other two. He will sit with his daddy in the recliner and strain around daddy's shoulder to look outside and watch the kids playing in the backyard. He's just aching to be out there playing with them!