Tuesday 17 February 2009

A Day at the Zoo

Our good friend Jim Forrest suggested we head to the local Banham Zoo. It is a smaller zoo, but it is really well done. The animals were so much fun to watch. There was also a great rock shop just outside the zoo which caught Connor's attention. It was kind of drizzly and cold, but we had a great time wandering and had the place practically to ourselves. There was a petting area and we enjoyed petting the goats, sheep and lamas. Jim and Jack even tried their hand at milking cows. I thought the particularly cool part was the bald eagle who was so close you could reach out and touch him. We found a great warm area attached to the monkey enclosure where you could get a coffee or tea and biscuit and watch the monkeys play. Colton slept through almost the entire visit, but I know we will be going back.

Thursday 12 February 2009

11 Years Old

How is it possible Connor is already 11 years old. I can't possibly be old enough to have an almost middle schooler! Alas, it is so. We celebrated Connor's birthday with cupcakes in the classroom, cupcakes with his basketball team after winning their game and a favorite meal and ice cream cake at home. I'm a bit sugared out after it all! We are really proud of the young man Connor is becoming. He is a helpful boy who is always eager to please...well, unless it's something Jackson needs! His honor roll awards ceremony was the day after his birthday and we are proud of him for being on the all A honor roll again and earning the Citizenship award for a wide variety of behavior and attitude criteria this quarter. He also has more reading counts points than any other child in his school, a fact we were surprised to discover. This could be because he stays up at nights using his gameboy as a flashlight to read. I love my little science/reading/math nerd! Good thing he's also real athletic and good at sports. What a catch he'll be someday....when he turns 30 and is allowed to date!

Our Boys

I never in a MILLION years thought that I would be the mother of three boys. They are loud and stinky but just wonderful. They make me laugh hundreds of times a week while quickly turning my hair more and more gray. I really couldn't be more proud of each of them for different reasons. I have to say they are each so different in personality and yet so much alike. I'm still looking for my genes as they are all carbon copies of each other and "mini me's" of daddy.

Wednesday 4 February 2009

2 Months

I'm 2 months old. Crazy that it's already been two entire months, 9 weeks. And Colton continues to amaze us with his size. He weighed in at a whopping 16 lbs 6 oz. And for those of you familiar with the growth charts, it is above it, not even on it. For height he was already 24 1/2 inches long. Looking back at Jackson's stats he was 13 1/2 lbs at 2 months and started out three pounds lighter to begin with so the growth is the same. The biggest problem with his size is mum's back and shoulder carrying around the giant baby. I looked at pictures of Jackson yesterday and Colt looks just like him when he was 5 months old. He's healthy and happy although he's running his first fever after his immunizations this morning. Poor little guy. Colton is really showing his personality already. He wants things the way he wants them. He is finally sleeping anywhere between 6-9 hours at night which mom is real appreciative about. He smiles and talks constantly to me when we play. I have tried to get these sweet little coos on video but he gets real camera shy when I try. He's fascinated with a particular spot on the wall, ceiling fans and his big brothers. Connor in particular is reason to smile. I think he's still trying to figure Jackson out. He is a bit unsure of him. The one thing that particularly cracks us up is that he has a constant perplexed look on his face. I had a British gentleman tell me all he needed was a cigar and hat and he'd look just like Winston Churchill. I have another friend who has said the same thing. We love our funny little man!