Sunday 4 December 2011

And Then There Was The Party

The cake was amazing! Of course, after spending a number of hours making it, I'm biased! Colton really wanted to go bowling for his birthday so off we went to Liberty Lanes for his big party with neighbors and friends.

I love the sheer joy when he hit pins!

Chill Will inspired the bowling method for the night, run as fast as you can to the lane and drop the ball hoping the forward momentum will carry it down to hit pins. He actually got a strike!

As part of the evening, the kids all signed a bowling pin for Colton to help him remember his third birthday.

Taking a break for dinner...
I love these crazy boys!

Then it was time to sing happy birthday...

This may have been the only bite of cake he actually ate, he was so excited to continue bowling!

I thought the cake was quite tasty.....finger licking good! What? Do I have something on my face?

Gift time! Colton ripped right into his presents. It took him about 5 minutes to get into the card from Grandma and Grandpa however.

In true White boy fashion he dropped to the floor to begin playing.

Colton's Birthday Morning!

What a morning! Started with missing fondant and cake making supplies and ended with a happy boy. Colton got special star muffins with candles for breakfast. He thought that was pretty cool. Then he got to open his first present of the day a Guraffalo tea and biscuit set to eat his breakfast on.

What a proud little guy. Then daddy called and he got to open his birthday present from daddy, a stuffed camel he decided he'd call Joe.

He likes Joe's hat! Finally after sorting the fondant crisis and deciding to make buttercream icing instead, I located food coloring from a neighbor. Went to get dressed before starting on the icing and when I returned downstairs I heard something from the kitchen. I asked, "Colton, what are you doing?" The answer, "I'm mopping mommy."

After cleaning up, he got all dressed in his new big boy shoes, Converse, just like his biggest bubba Connor. He looks so big it makes my heart ache!

Sunday 20 November 2011

You Should See the Other Guy

Or rather, this is why you should tie your shoe before running at school.......


PSC, with no spouse.... not the most fun I've ever had but the boys were troopers!

Here they are after day 1.

Hopefully these pictures will help you feel like you were actually with us!
Outside of your piano crate.

Who let the Clampets in the neighborhood?

Jackson discovered the joys of coffee.....

This is the dining room now.

Monday 31 October 2011

Halloween 2011

Happy Halloween!

Connor a.k.a The Green Lantern

Jackson a.k.a. The devil

Colton a.k.a the red power ranger

Colton wasn't too sure about the trick or treat thing. He spent most of his time hiding behind me rather than talking to people trying to give him candy.