Monday 31 October 2011

Halloween 2011

Happy Halloween!

Connor a.k.a The Green Lantern

Jackson a.k.a. The devil

Colton a.k.a the red power ranger

Colton wasn't too sure about the trick or treat thing. He spent most of his time hiding behind me rather than talking to people trying to give him candy.

Sunday 30 October 2011

Carvin' Pumpkins

The boys were so excited about carving their pumpkins. Jackson has been asking since last Saturday. Colton was very tentative about getting into the pumpkin to get it's guts out.

Jackson and Connor dug right in.

Mommy actually did most of the cutting while Colton "helped" to make a traditional face.

Jackson worked really hard and Connor dug right in.

The White family pumpkins from left to right, daddy's mommy's, Jack's in the back, Connor's and Colton's.

Thursday 20 October 2011

A Day in London

Off for our final day with the grandparents, Connor and I took them to Portobello road and around London. It was a fun day.

We even got to ride in a Union Jack cab.

We ended the day in Covent Garden before heading home.

My little White Lion!

Me and my hommie after enjoying our Hummingbird bakery goods on the tube.

Sunday 16 October 2011

Here are some shots from our gorgeous English October day at the pumpkin patch.

Picking out our pumpkins.

My three sons.

Tuesday 11 October 2011


Colton loved riding the train to Edinburgh. We had a great morning coloring, snacking and watching the world speed by.

After arriving at our hotel and taking a break, we hiked to the castle. It started raining and it was about to close so we headed to the nearest pub.

After dinner, we did some more sightseeing and then stopped for gelato...yummy!

You can see who enjoyed it the most!

We stopped by the Elephant House again.

In Greyfriars cemetary

And on the way back to the hotel, we ran into Mulligan's pub.

The next morning, we walked from our hotel down Princes Street. Great views. Colton had fun playing leapfrog on the benches with Grampy.

Our first stop was Holyrood Palace. I had seen a BBC special on it and was eager to see it as it was the last of the royal palaces on my list. I've officially been to them all!

The abbey behind the palace was really interesting.

We then headed up the Royal Mile for a bit of shopping.